Sunday, November 29, 2009

Make up for 3 colored eyes: green, blue and brown?


Perhaps some of you might recognize this problem: your eyes are partly brown, mixed with another color, but when you ask people about the color of your eyes, they say that your eyes appear brown only. My eyes are mostly very dark green with a little dark blue, and a little brown around the iris. Still, everyone seems to think that they are brown, while I want to make the green and blue standing out! Does anyone have any make up tips for me?

Thanks!Make up for 3 colored eyes: green, blue and brown?
hmmm well i'm not too sure about the makeup seeing as i don't have this problem BUT! Both my dad and one of my friends have really cool eyes when you look up close but its not (like you said) always as noticable to others. So what my friend does is sometimes wears a shirt or some type of clothing that is similar to her eye color or a little brighter. Same thing with my dad like..he has blue eyes but when he wears lighter colored shirts they appear alot more blue than they really are; they stand out more. When my friend wears green they look greener and she always gets more compliments on her eyes. It's really cool

hah no makup tips but i hope this helps a littleMake up for 3 colored eyes: green, blue and brown?
They sound pretty cool!! You could probably wear just about any color but I would go with plum shades. Purple brings out the green and it will look really cool. Go to and try these.....

sheer pink and fig eye shadows,

slate or steely eyeliner,

black mascara

It will look awesome.
wear olive green ( a pretty shade not a yucky color) eye shadow and do dark brow eyeshadow if you really wnat to you could get green contacts that arent perscription i use blue eyeshadow and that brings out my green eyes but since you have blue in your eyes i;m not sure that would work
wear natural colored makeup
maybe u can try a darker eye makeup around the eye like black or a dark blue eyeliner.......(i'm not exactly sure if that'll make ur eyes not look brown but they might stand out more maybe even make ppl see that they arent brown)
i have a lighter version of your eyes, and i use the trio for blue and trio for greens make up by almay, which brings out the blue and green, depending on which one you wear. there's mascara, eyeliner, and eyeshadow. it works for me, but it was kind of expensive.

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