Monday, June 21, 2010

My eyes constantly water, so when I'm wearing make-up it ends up coming off. What kind of product should I buy?

I usually wear eye liner, eye shadow, mascara and my eyes water so much that I end up blotting or rubbing it off. I can buy water proof mascara, but what is some really good eye make up that will last through my watery eyes?My eyes constantly water, so when I'm wearing make-up it ends up coming off. What kind of product should I buy?
how old is your make up? eye liner and mascara need to be thrown out every six months and shadow can last over a year, i think two years. i buy expensive liner and mascara, but cheap shadows. i use shadow to line my eyes and wash my brushes every few weeks. also, sharpen your eye pencils, and disinfect the sharpener after every use. all these things keep bacteria away from your eyes, which could be causing your eyes to water.

water proof mascara is usually too ';harsh'; on lashes cause you have to scrub it off and can accidentally loosen your lashes and make them fall out.

tap some concealer or a sheer cream shadow on your lids before applying shadow and you'll be shocked at how long shadow lasts-i can sleep and go jogging in mine, i work at a restaraunt and sometimes the soda machine ';blows up'; in my face, i can dab off the soda and my shadow stays in place.My eyes constantly water, so when I'm wearing make-up it ends up coming off. What kind of product should I buy?
You should see a doctor for over active tear ducts... cream based eye shadow and water proof pencil liner %26amp; mascara only on the upper lash line and carrying tissue in your purse. touch your eyes as little as possible
My eyes are the same way! People always ask me why i'm crying, haha.. get waterproof makeup.

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